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from)” protect oneself against danger
保护自己免遭危险  detail>>
protect against
防御  detail>>
protect from
保护,保卫 不受…之害 免受  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
protect against cold
怕冷(包装标志) 注意防冷  detail>>
protect against cold (heat)
怕冷(热)  detail>>
protect against heat
怕热 注意防热  detail>>
protect against rust
防锈  detail>>
protect plants against frost
保护植物以防霜冻  detail>>
protect the body against disease
保体抗病  detail>>
protect the body against diseases
保护身体抵抗疾病  detail>>
to protect form(against)
保护,保卫  detail>>
they cautioned him against danger
他们告诫他谨防危险  detail>>
warning against danger
危险警告  detail>>
protect children from violence
保护儿童免遭暴力侵犯  detail>>
protect forests from overexploitation
防止过度利用森林  detail>>
protect from air
使用御气术  detail>>
protect from evils
除厄  detail>>